Summon night swordcraft story wiki
Summon night swordcraft story wiki

summon night swordcraft story wiki

Mutually Exclusive Party Members: The combinations of Cassis/Natsumi, Claret/Aya, Sol/Hayato, and Kir/Touya cannot be chosen, due to serving similar roles in battle.Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter: The son/daughter of main antagonist Ordreik Servolt.He believes that no one can go against fate, but he also believes that one has to become an adult in order to decide their own destiny. He has a very realistic and technical way to deal with anything. His specialty in Kendo is the Do Uchi (a slash at the torso).

summon night swordcraft story wiki

Touya belongs to the Kendo Club in high school, and is also the vice-president of the student council. Tomboy and Girly Girl: She's the tomboy to Aya, and possibly Claret too.Boyish Short Hair: She has very short hair in comparison to say, Aya.She starts out very confused and insecure about his situation, but gradually comes to comprehend and love Lyndbaum. In high school, Natsumi was in the Volleyball Club. He is always positive, and is the type that acts first and thinks later. HayatoHayato is the captain of the basket club in high school.

Summon night swordcraft story wiki