Twitter her interactive
Twitter her interactive

twitter her interactive

The 140 characters available mostly contain interactive elements like hyperlinks and small-scale multimedia. Hence, the length of these tweets should not be seen as deterministic of their communicative potential (cf. You can see photos, videos and conversations directly in Tweets to get the whole story at a glance, and all in one place. don’t let the small size fool you - you can discover a lot in a little space. This strict character limit leads at best to eloquently trenchant messages. Tweets are not allowed to be longer than 140 characters. But as long as one's profile is public, also non-members can read and explore the content of these updates. To receive another user's updates directly, one has to subscribe to his or her feed which is referred to as becoming a follower. Everyone of them can send short messages, called tweets, to the general internet. Murthy 2013: 9).Ĭurrently more than 485 million users are registered on Twitter (Globalwebindex 2012). The technology on which Twitter is based developed from internet relay chatrooms and text-based online games, like Multi-User Dungeons (cf. Twitter, founded in 2006, is the most popular example of a microblogging site that sees itself to be an information network in the first place (cf.

twitter her interactive

The places where communication and socialisation take place today are instant messaging clients, social networks and microblogging sites. Indisputably, the internet has fundamentally changed the way people interact and communicate.

Twitter her interactive